Few places often elicit the much needed SOS of help as the garages, sheds, attics, and other storage places of our homes. Piled high with family relics buried under discarded boxes, barely used or half broken sports equipment, and tools that never saw action. These little wastelands of chaos rarely get the concentrated focus as the current situation now affords.
We’ve already come to the rescue of our kitchens and closets. This new area can seem daunting for even the most experienced organizers. These tips will help you master the mess, and navigate the memories you might find along the way.
1 – Don’t Be Afraid To Discard
Speaking of memories, the hardest thing to do is letting go, but some items can get new leases on life. Try upcycling empty containers to organize small items, and old hooks or rods can be used as hangers for cords, clamps, or other tools. Using a sorting technique of keep, trash, and donate can help you dispose of unneeded items.
2 – Bins, Benches, and Balls
Some items are not as storage friendly, like balls. There’s a neat trick to storing these. Using a simple basket, bin, or wooden box, screw old bungee cords over one side with about four inches gap between each cord. This will make for a perfect way to pop balls in and out of storage for kid’s playtime.
Organizing your smaller keepsakes? Use clear plastic bins stacked or placed on shelving. It will be much easier for at-a-glance sorting and accessing later.
3 – Look Up! It’s A Kite, A Model Plane, It’s…
Hanging racks! Don’t miss out on the storage space that exists just above our heads. Using overhead racks, shelves, or bins is perfect for the unwieldy and less often accessed items of our life. Think bikes, spare lumber, ladders, seasonal equipment, large umbrellas, and more.
Your overhead rack doesn’t have to be store bought. Consider using some old PVC piping to match a rough storage motif. Or try pulling apart some old exercise equipment to use the wires and pulleys for storage of light items that can be raised or lowered.
Ah, sweet order! One more room saved. The next time you step into your storage you and your belongings will be on track, which means less wasted time and clutter.