FAQ Content

1. When will my products ship?

We know that you need us! We ship within 2-3 business days of you ordering, from Southern California. US shipping is free and comes with tracking. International shipping costs are split with us – we charge a $10 flat fee and cover the difference for you. Allow 48 hours for the tracking numbers to update.


2. Tell me about the tampon applicators.

We use use ultra-fine polished cardboard applicators with a rounded tip. They’re super comfy! The applicators are “twist” in design, they stay locked until you twist the top in the opposite direction to the bottom section, then you’re good to go. Check out Giana’s video to learn more..

3. What are your pads and pantyliners wrapped in?

We are 100% plastic-free – yay! Our pads and pantyliners are wrapped in a biodegradable and compostable potato-starch film. We keep our oceans and landfills clean 😉


4. No glue? What is used as the pad and pantyliner adhesive?

We use a biopolymer: PLA, based on biodegradable components from renewable sources (corn starch) and biodegradable polyesters.


5. No chemicals? What is used to sanitize products?

Our products are made from 100% GOTS and ICEA-certified organic cotton. The strict international standards ensure complete purity at all levels.

5a. Why does my burlap bag smell like diesel?

The oils in untreated natural burlap can present a diesel-like odor. Don't worry, which is safe and natural. The smell will dissipate over item and is perfectly normal and natural.

6. How do I remove my menstrual cup?

Five tips to assist with your menstrual cup removal.

It is often daunting looking at the size of a menstrual cup and trying to work out how you are supposed to insert it, however, once you have successfully inserted the cup, you may then need these menstrual cup removal tips to help make the removal process a bit easier.

1. Bear down

Sometimes a menstrual cup will move up the vaginal canal. This is completely normal and part of the cup finding it’s ‘sweet spot’ to sit. While this is nothing to be alarmed about, it can make reaching the cup for removal a little more difficult. If the cup does move up in the vaginal canal and becomes harder to reach, simply push down in a series of motions (or bear down) with your stomach muscles (similar to having a bowel movement), reach inside the vagina and pull on the stem until you can reach the base of the cup.

2. Squat

If you still cannot reach the cup, squat on the floor or lift one leg up and rest your foot on the toilet seat or edge of the bath. This will help lower the cup and make it easier to reach since this position shortens the vagina.

3. Relax

Similar to when inserting the cup, when removing the cup, make sure that you are relaxed so that your vaginal muscles do not become tense. If you feel yourself getting tense, take a few deep breaths, go and do something else for a few minutes and then try again. There is usually no urgency to remove a cup straight away, so take your time and don’t try removing for the first time if you already have a lot on for the day. We would also recommend you try inserting and removing a couple of times before you begin your cycle, so you are not also worried about spilling or needing to empty menstrual fluid.

4. Grip and pinch

Ensure your hands are clean and your fingers are completely dry. The drier your fingers are, the easier menstrual cup removal will be, as you can get a better grip on the cup. It may also be useful to reach up and dry the base of the cup with a little bit of toilet paper to ensure you can get the best grip. reach inside the vagina and pull on the stem until you can reach the base of the cup. Pinch as far up the cup (as close to the top rim) as possible and squeeze it for a few seconds to give the seal time to break.

Once you have squeezed the base to release the air, pull the cup out at a sideways angle. This allows more air to enter the vagina, and it will then be able to be removed easily.

5. Break the side seal

Finally, if the pinch and squeeze method doesn’t work, you can carefully insert one finger up the side of the cup and sort of push it in to break the seal. Some women find this method easier than the grip and pinch method.