Trouble sleeping during your periods

Trouble sleeping during your periods

Have you ever experienced insomnia during your periods? Insomnia, also called sleeplessness, is a condition where people have continuous trouble sleeping. Some have problems falling asleep and remaining asleep for the amount of time they want to sleep.

During menstruation, some women are likely to have insomnia. Health professionals refer to lack of sleep due to menstruation as menstrual insomnia.

Causes of insomnia during periods

Menstruation is a dreadful experience for some of us. Most women find it difficult to sleep soundly during menstruation. So what causes insomnia? Let's dive in.

1. Hormonal changes and insomnia

Hormonal changes are a significant cause of menstrual insomnia. Hormonal changes drastically affect body temperature and melatonin production, thus leading to menstrual insomnia.

For example, after ovulation, the female body releases progesterone hormone in large quantities, which spikes the body temperature leading to irregular sleep patterns. The rise in progesterone levels makes you experience a feeling of drowsiness. 

You may also experience menstrual insomnia at the onset of your periods because there is a drop in progesterone and estrogen levels during the start of a menstruation cycle.     

2. Mood changes and PMS symptoms

PMS symptoms are the leading cause of menstrual insomnia. Symptoms like heavy bleeding, backaches, breast tenderness, and painful cramps eventually lead to disturbed sleep patterns and, worst-case scenario, complete lack of sleep. 

Digestion problems like bloating, indigestion, and nausea can affect your sleep.

Women also experience mood swings during their periods. Mood swings cause anxiety and depression which in turn interfere with your sleep.

Top tips to sleep better during your periods

1. Exercise

Health experts recommend women to exercise during their periods. Women can do both light and heavy exercises, depending on their periods. Exercising during your periods helps develop regular sleep patterns and have adequate sleep.

During a workout, the body produces endorphins, which facilitate sound sleep. Exercises are also an excellent way to clear your head of stress, anxiety, and worry, known for depriving women of good sleep during their periods. 

2. Track your sleep  

If you want to know more about your insomnia, its causes, or whether it’s due to your period, you must keep a sleep diary and note your sleep patterns when you are not experiencing your periods. This way, during your periods, you can compare your sleep patterns. If you experience irregular sleep patterns during your periods, then it’s likely that you’re experiencing menstrual insomnia.  

3. Plan your sleeping time

Whether you’re having your periods or not, if you want to put your insomnia under control, you should develop a sleeping schedule. A good sleeping schedule implies that you retire to bed and wake up every day at the same time. It’s all in mind. Once you create a sleeping plan and stick to it, your body will adjust effectively, and you’ll be able to sleep soundly again within no time. 

4. Avoid alcohol intake

Lastly, you should avoid alcohol consumption during your periods at all costs, especially drinking before bed, as it facilitates sleep disruptions and insomnia. If you have to take alcohol during your periods, stick to a glass of wine, it’ll help you fall asleep.

Bottom line.

Insomnia can be frustrating. But if you follow the steps we’ve discussed above, then you should sleep like a log. Other general tips you must also consider are:

  • Prioritize sleep.
  • Reduce stress, worry, and anxiety.
  • Have a healthy diet.
  • Maintain your hygiene
  • Avoid smoking.  
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Manage your PMS symptoms
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