Woman Hiking With Backpack Through Woods Prepared For Survivial With Tampons

Surprising Survival Uses For Tampons

While many guys may shy away from talk about tampons—or anything to do with monthly cycles—these survival techniques could offer quite a surprise to the father, brother, boyfriend, or husband in your life. And honestly, you may be surprised too.

While it’s natural to keep extras as emergency backup in the pocket of a purse and car glove box, it’s also a smart idea to stash a few tampons in your backpack and survival kits too. Here’s why…

For Use On The Battlefield? Or A Feminine Product?

It’s hard to know which use came first exactly—though knowing the word’s origin does offer interesting insight. The word "tampon" is a derivative of a French word “tapon” which means “stopper” or “plug”.

Tampons have been used in a multitude of cultures for thousands of years. There’s even been discussion of them acting as stand-in wound dressings during wartime eras.

Tampons are also considered a Class II Medical Device by the US Government and FDA. Those guidelines remind us how much the processing and chemical-free aspects of tampons should matter, in all of their uses.

Of course, at Tampon Tribe we’re proud to be a socially responsible company only offering toxin free, 100% GOTS certified organic cotton products. Free of herbicides, pesticides, chlorine, and dioxins.

Medical Bandages & More

Tampons are small, lightweight, convenient, and might be just what you need if, let’s say you’re out hiking in the woods and get cut.

The organic cotton contained inside the tampon applicator can make for an impromptu first aid bandage. Just press it onto the wounded area and wrap or tape around it to secure.

That same perfume-free cotton can work to help stop up a bloody nose.

Stuck outside in the cold unprepared? Cotton is an excellent fire starter! Simply pull apart some of that dry, cotton tampon fiber and light it with a spark or flame. If you have your chapstick handy, add some to the cotton tinder and watch those flames begin.

So what are you waiting for? Be sure to throw some extra tampons in your survival kit and pack some for your next outdoor adventure. They may come in handy for more than just a few days a month.



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