After weeks at home and going from picking out a daily workplace ensemble to now spending countless hours in your favorite leggings and comfy t-shirt, it’s the perfect time to give your dresser drawers some orderly structure.
In this fourth article of our organization series, we’re focusing on the drawers that hold your clothes. Be it bras and panties to jeans and jammies, these functional ideas will help cut down on the drawer digging and simplify the search for the items you want to dress in.
1 - Dump The Drawer
Whether you literally dump the drawer’s contents onto the bed or pull all of the items out one by one is up to you, but the key is starting with an empty space. Think of it as your blank canvas to organize artistically as you put items back in more neatly.
2 - Decide & Donate
As we’ve mentioned in some of our previous organizing articles, choosing what to keep, trash, or donate is a vital step in any efforts to organize. If garments have holes, rips, or tears, set them aside to repair or part with. Items that no longer fit or you dislike may be perfect candidates to donate, so that someone else can stylishly wear them. Only put back in the drawer the items you’ll wear.
3 - To Fold Or Not To Fold…
If you have ample space, folding is fine, but if your storage seems limited, try rolling your clothes before you put them back in the drawers. Everything from shirts to pajama pants—rolling saves space.
Some people do fine folding or rolling their underwear and socks, others find that to be far too tedious and always end up digging through what becomes a disorderly pile of cottony garments. A great fix for this frenzied mess are drawer dividers or bins. They’re perfect for throwing those undies or socks in, as well as assigning some for your bathing suits, bras, slips, and tank tops.
4 - Time To Top It Off
Once your drawers have regained a sense of inner calm, it’s time to turn to the top of the dresser. Keep it orderly as well by having a limited number of decor items out, leaving a bit of room to set garments as you choose your next fashionable statement.
Now your bedroom furniture can compliment the space instead of hiding chaos within. Your drawers are orderly and you can get dressed with ease thanks to an organized dresser!