Depending on whether you bleed heavily or lightly during your periods, the loss of iron due to menstruation is undeniable. Iron deficiency is a severe case which can lead to anemia among menstruating women. Vegan and vegetarian women are more vulnerable to iron deficiency. They therefore must find a way to supplement their heavy iron losses.
A woman’s weight is likely to affect her menstruation cycle depending on whether she’s overweight or underweight. When a woman is overweight, she has a high-fat content, and her body produces high estrogen and progesterone hormone levels leading to irregular periods. Again, high levels of menstrual hormones can lead to a woman experiencing extreme PMS symptoms like heavy bleeding and painful cramps.
On the other hand, underweight women may fail to produce desired levels of menstrual hormones. Underweight women have low-fat content. Fats are responsible for estrogen and progesterone production that facilitate menstruation. Failure to secrete menstruation hormones leads to irregular periods or its absence.
Therefore both parties’ should focus on improving themselves. If you’re overweight, hit the gym, or create a daily home workout routine. Losing some weight and burning some fat will do you good.
If you're underweight and experience irregular periods, visit a health care provider, and they should help you implement a healthy diet that will facilitate your hormonal balance and induce regular periods.
Changes in the number of isoflavones in a diet can also affect a woman’s menstruation cycle. Isoflavones are a nutritional supplement present mostly in the bean family. Isoflavones are molecular, and they contain phytochemicals, which is a natural plant chemical. Isoflavones occur naturally in plants like legumes, soy products, and herbs like red clover. The molecular structure of isoflavones makes them structurally similar to the human hormone estrogen. A diet with high isoflavones level doesn’t affect your menstruation cycle.
Restrictive eating
Restrictive eating is likely to affect your menstruation cycle, especially calorie restrictions. Consuming a low amount of calories compared to the high amount of energy you burn can lead to hormonal imbalance. And since hormones like estrogen and progesterone determine a woman’s menstruation cycle, she is likely to have shorter periods or no periods at all. When a woman entirely misses her period and is not pregnant, she might suffer from Amenorrhea, which is the absence of periods.